Product Information Management
Product Information Management services transform how product information is created, managed and delivered. From product marketing to customer support materials, LTTS designs, implements and delivers content services to provide a single source of truth on all product information. This facilitates customer loyalty, reduces product support costs and drives revenue growth.

What We Offer
- Turnkey managed services for your technical documentation projects. Our global shared service model provides flexibility and cost benefits.
- Digital transformation for the delivery of technical content with augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and 3D visualization.
- Content consulting to transform how product information is managed and delivered. Our team have over 30 years’ experience designing and implementing content strategies.

What Stands Us Apart
- Heritage in providing product development services for blue chip companies worldwide. We understand product development and how great product information impacts product perception.
- Over 40 years experience in transforming how companies manage their product information. We know the pitfalls and how to avoid them to deliver ROI targets.
- Global footprint with ability to provide near-site, on-site or off-shore resources in a flexible resourcing model.
- Solutions based on where you are in your transformational journey. Developing a plan for improvement which delivers the returns to keep investing in your future.

Content, The Key Worker In Your Business
Watch our video to witness how this digital platform seamlessly links both new and existing customer content to Industry 4.0 technology through an omni-channel model.