Sustainability: A Global Imperative
85% of all consumers have shifted purchase behavior to align with sustainable drives while more than 33% are even willing to pay more for Sustainability.
85% of all consumers have shifted purchase behavior to align with sustainable drives while more than 33% are even willing to pay more for Sustainability.
At this point, the writing is on the wall. Sustainability has become the central axis around which business strategies and efforts will revolve. The impetus is squarely on the enterprises to keep pace with this transition to avoid being non-compliant and lose customer goodwill and market leadership.

Aligning with SDGs: LTTS Sustainable Engineering Practices
At LTTS, we are driving the sustainability initiatives globally with our state-of-the-art laboratories where industry-leading research on eco-friendly material is helping develop GRI and ISO 50001 compliant platforms for tracking and monitoring sustainability objectives Among our chief initiatives, we have assessed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDG) and identified the key focus areas where we have concentrated our engineering services efforts. They include:
Good Health and Wellbeing
Our efforts across SDG-13 climate action and SDG-6 clean water and sanitation are helping drive consciousness towards holistic health and wellbeing. We are helping industries reduce emissions that have an impact on air quality. At the same time, we are helping mitigate water pollution by reducing industrial discharge and treating effluents.
Water and Waste Management
We help transform global water and waste management initiatives with our technology quotient and domain expertise.
- Water and effluent treatment
- Water mapping and monitoring
- Zero liquid discharge
- Sludge Dewatering: Decanter
- Water conservation efficiencies
Success Story:
LTTS Engineering has successfully optimized water consumption and associated costs for a global FMCG and Beverage major. Our efforts in design optimization have resulted in 20-25% overall savings, almost a quarter in freshwater consumption optimization, and 10% enhancement in cost estimate accuracy for our client.
Energy Transition and Management
We help enterprise customers pivot from conventional energy sources to renewable and clean energy sources.
- Renewable energy- solar and wind
- Product electrification
- EV charging infrastructure design
- Energy storage systems
- Distributed energy generation
- Smart grids and metering
Success Story:
LTTS Engineering enabled a global manufacturer to save costs, optimize freshwater consumption, and reduce emissions to stay compliant.
Design optimization helped
save up to one-fourth on expenses and substantially reduced De-NOx and De-Sox emissions to align with statutory mandates.
Digital and Smart Manufacturing
We offer manufacturing automation, innovation of eco-friendly solutions, and managing water, waste, and renewable energy.
- Manufacturing and industrial engineering
- Tool and automation design
- Intelligent industrial automation
- Manufacturing apps and analytics
- Remote asset performance monitoring
- i-BEMS
Success Story:
LTTS Engineering has been instrumental in cost optimization and significant savings in energy and water consumption. Tangible business benefits were realized with ~1% reduction in overall unaccounted costs, 8% enhancement in water conservation, and 10-15% energy intensity reduction.
Sustainable Cities and Communities
With LTTS engineering spearheading sustainability initiatives across businesses irrespective of verticals, there is a square impact on the lives of people in cities and residential communities. Our efforts encompass holistic transformation initiatives across water management, air quality improvement, and waste reduction that help improve living standards across communities around us.
Circular Product Design
Our range of services encompassing the entire manufacturing life cycle fosters compliance to regulatory standards with our design-for-circularity.
- Light weighting/Material substitution
- Sustainable packaging
- LCA of product/Green labeling
- Additive manufacturing
Success Story:
LTTS Engineering has been instrumental in the reduction of carbon footprint, waste generation, and costs with circular product design practices. Our client was able to experience a 90% reduction in packaging cost, 30% overall reduction in waste, and 66% reduction in freight CO2 footprint among other benefits.
Climate Action
Our expertise in engineering, design, implementation, and monitoring helps drive climate-saving action across industrial processes.
- Clean fuel engineering
- Hydrogen generation and fuel cells
- Carbon capture and storage
- Exhaust gas treatment
- Energy-efficient construction design
Success Story:
LTTS Engineering enabled a global manufacturer to save costs, optimize freshwater consumption, and reduce emissions to stay compliant.
Sustainability Consulting
We are helping our clients achieve their net-zero goals with industry best practices and sustainable engineering.
- UN SDG-based strategy
- Net Zero products
- Energy strategy
- Audits, reporting, and target definition
- Green sourcing
Success Story:
LTTS Engineering helped induce data collection and monitoring automation that rippled to reductions, optimizations, and savings for a global customer. Our client experienced up to 20% emissions reduction, 25% energy savings, and 25% freshwater consumption optimization.
Other than these, our overall investment and efforts toward major engineering interventions are aimed at accounting for two more SDGs including:

Walking The Talk: Fueling The Net-Zero Transformation
With the gamut of our engineering practices and services, we pledge to showcase unequivocal commitment toward Net Zero. By delivering
- Net Zero in Products
- Net Zero in Operations (Power, Water, Waste, and Manufacturing), and
- Targeted digital interventions
In our quest to be the engineering partner of choice for our customers globally, we have remodeled our Net Zero approach with revamped offerings. They include:
LTTS offers strategic consulting for enterprises looking to achieve UN-SDG commitments and Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi) targets by leveraging an extensive partner ecosystem. Our services assisting them in this include:
- Energy Audit and Monitoring
- Assessment and Roadmap Definition
- Product and Service Transition
- Labs-as-a-Service
- New Product Development
- Energy Management Consultancy
- Redefining New Targets
LTTS helps revitalize offerings for global businesses in a dynamic ecosystem by driving sustainable product design paradigms. They include:
- Light Weighting & Material Substitution
- Energy Efficient Product Design
- Green Sourcing
- Additive Manufacturing
- Hybrid Energy Management System
- Effluent Treatment with Zero Liquid Discharge
- Eco-Products Design
LTTS aims to reshape the business landscape by assisting organizations in becoming more environmentally responsible. The journey commences with a transformation of operational and manufacturing activities with LTTS as a sustainability implementation partner delivering:
- Distributed Energy Systems/ Microgrids
- Smart Facility & Manufacturing
- Water & Waste Treatment Solutions
- Carbon Footprint Measurement
- Smart Building and Energy Saving Solutions
- Rohs Adherence
- Charging Infrastructure
- Green & Brown Field Renewable Plants